
Sunday, March 4, 2012


Today my dad called me materialistic.
Why? Because I refused to go to church with him.

So now all atheists are materialistic because they have no spiritual life.
But what kind of spiritual life do Christians lead?

They are fools, fools who refuse to open their eyes.
They blindly follow the crowd. They follow their fathers and their mentors, because they have been raised to believe that there is a deity actually leading the crowd.
Maybe if they open their eyes, they could see that this crowd is just wandering, that there is nobody leading it.
Or maybe is the crowd too thick for them to see through it?

All I know is that they do not think, they follow.
They follow rules and boundaries, but who set these rules?
A man desperate enough to become a priest.
A man who preaches about love and peace but rapes little kids.
A man who tells us to give our money to the poor but waves his million-dollar ring, his million-dollar sceptre and wears his million-dollar hat with pride and joy.

You are the one with no spiritual life, with no social values. You are the blind follower who just nods and accept everything that is thrown to him.

I think.
I have principles and values. And even if I will walk alone, I will stick to these values.

You have a non-existent leader. 


  1. I've thought about this a lot, why is it that people can't view life like you & I do? No doubt it's crossed every person's mind, the existence of the unseen, but why do they still have faith? I came to the conclusion that a person's life experiences shapes what sort of belief they have.

    1. True, we have to walk in their shoes to understand their beliefs. But sometimes, when they don't even try to understand ours, when they criticize us for what we are, when they discriminate, bully and mock us, all I think about is sticking a cross into their chest.

  2. I think that people just lack awareness about the Scientifical discoveries like Darwinism. All they know is a distorted malformed version which is implausible to spark life. They don't know that the existence of it all, of life the universe and everything, could be without a god or deity. They aren't knowledgeable of the possibility through understanding of the correct scientific discoveries that led many scientists to disbelieve.

    1. Ignorance is the root of evil, there is no doubt about that! :)

  3. having faith and following religion (any religion, its leaders) are two different things...
    yes they follow blindly, yes, they are 'fools', but not everybody who 'believes' does the same :)

    1. Unfortunately, in Lebanon, following blindly is all we do! People take every religious text literally, and it is sad, very very sad.

  4. ne generalise pas! not all priests rape kids, heck, statistics show that less (in percentage) priests rape kids than non priests,
    and not all people follow the croud, some practice their religion by choice , and love for their deity ,
    one example is me :)

    1. I am glad you can be open-minded. I would love to see all that applied here in Lebanon. People here are mostly practicing their religion because they have been raised that way, because of their family's pressure and all that. Most priests are dishonest and sad.
      When you religion becomes part of your identity, when it plays a role in your social life, SOMETHING IS WRONG!

    2. Dude, You r right (im the same anonymous guy from b4) , but lebanon is a special case , i mean , add ma kein, we're oriental, u kno, so u cant ask a lot from people, ok, so , my parents love their religion, and i am being taught stuff abt it at school (jesuit school), but i choose not to take a lot of things of the religion /(like the whole old testament) , and i hate every "saloperie" that the church does :)

      But i to hate those people who dishonor religion
      and for yr dad, i mean be nice to him, if he asks u to go to church, he is doing it by love for religion and by love to his children. so, a la libanaise, keiremo fiya , he might be more open later on to accept yr sexuality if u have a gd father/son relashionship with him :))

    3. I am not going to church just to please him and have a nice relationship with him. This will only make me dishonest to me and myself. Would you go in a mosquee to please someone? I don't think so. This also applies to me.
      And if my dad to show his love, he wouldn't ask me to go to church, he would accept the fact that I don't want to.
