
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Two Years & Two Weeks

I completely missed my blog's birthday and now I feel bad about it... Worst part is that I only remembered after my friend told me about her boyfriend forgetting about their first year anniversary.

I'm not being very active in here anyway.
It's not that I finally got a life after all this time (I spend my days watching Saint Seiya and procrastinating) but for some reason I am not motivated anymore.

Last month's catastrophe really put me down. I'm in this hate-everything-that-is-even-remotely-related-to-Lebanon mood, which explains why I watch Japanese animes and read mangas all day long.

But this weekend I'll be volunteering at Sassine so I hope that'll make me feel better.
Meanwhile I'll just try to keep my hormones level to a minimum.

Anyway, my blog gets a very special cake for its second birthday. Yay Obama!