
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So, I was watching the latest Glee episode and I was chocked to see that Brittany replaced lesbian by Lebanese on Santana's T-shirt!

Santana: I'm Hispanic. Wait, is that supposed to be lesbian?
Brittany: Yeah. Isn't that what it says?

What is that supposed to mean? It isn't the first time I hear about confusing Lebanese with lesbian on a TV show or movie...
Is that some kind of joke I don't get?


  1. it's a long running joke, over here in America. Look up Ellen on Rosie, and the golden girls episode.

  2. i think its an homage to when gaga says "lebanese" in born this way since that is the born this way episode

  3. How is this an homage? And how has this become a long running joke?
    I mean, it's almost offensive :-/

  4. I don't know if you actually watch glee..
    but Brittany's pretty much the "phoebe-friends" of glee. There are some theories about her being dyslexic because she always confuses words with each other..
    Anyway, Brittany meant for it to say "Lesbian" because that's what Santana is even if she's closeted, but instead she spelled Lebanese.
    that's it.
    Answers CAN be obvious sometimes.

  5. @LebaGaGa: Well, I would have been offended if people started saying that I was straight ;)

    @Cartwheel: I was so shocked when I saw the T-Shirt! like "Oh, they know what Lebanon is! :D"

    @Anonymous: If I watch glee? Of course I watch glee :D
    I never though of the obvious since some people are saying that Lady Gaga meant "lesbian" and "orientation" by "lebanese" and "orient"
    Maybe you're right... just another Brittany thing

  6. What's The Big Deal You Guys! I actually found it rather hilarious, even if Britt meant it in a different way i sort of felt like we got some recognition.

  7. Some recognition would be likee.... Glee live in Lebanon! Boo yah! Hah.
    Well I did laugh at first, then came all the messed up ideas. So I dunno... I love making things complicated. Makes me feel smarter.
